Blog — gain muscle

Can't Gain Muscle? This Could Be Why!

balance hormones gain muscle insulin leptin men’s health testosterone unbalanced hormones

  If you're working out properly for muscle growth and eating an aggressive diet but still not able to pack on size, the problem may be with your hormones. Two hormones that promote muscle growth are testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH). Having low levels of these hormones reduces your ability to build muscle mass.  Proper testosterone and HGH levels stimulate muscle growth when we work out and feed our muscles the proper nutrition. If our levels of these hormones are low, we don't have the proper hormonal signalling to build muscle. Our hormones work as a system, so to improve our testosterone and...

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Testosterone: The Key To Your Mojo

balance hormones cortisol energy fatigue gain muscle hormones lose weight men’s health sex drive testosterone

  Testosterone - this is where most men tend to focus. Testosterone is linked to masculinity. It allows us to build muscle and shed fat. It powers our sex drive. It helps push us to succeed. When testosterone levels are at a healthy level we feel strong, motivated and confident. Low testosterone has become a common problem with men. Fatigue, loss of muscle mass, fat gain, low energy, low libido, erectile dysfunction and higher risk of disease are all linked to low testosterone. These symptoms can also be a result of estrogen levels being too high. Estrogen is commonly called...

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4 Reasons Your Testosterone is Low

balance hormones cortisol energy fatigue gain muscle Hormonal Imbalance in Men hormones men’s health testosterone unbalanced hormones

Testosterone is linked to masculinity. It allows us to build muscle and shed fat. It powers our sex drive. It helps push us to succeed. When testosterone levels are at a healthy level we feel strong, motivated and confident. Low testosterone has become a common problem with men. Fatigue, loss of muscle mass, fat gain, low energy, low libido, erectile dysfunction and higher risk of disease are all linked to low testosterone. Our hormones don't just work independently, they are dependent on each other to support our overall health and wellbeing. Our habits and lifestyle affect our testosterone and other hormone...

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Ways Exercise Influences your Hormones and Health

balance hormones cortisol energy gain muscle Hormonal Imbalance in Men hormones insulin leptin lose weight men’s health testosterone

Our bodies were built for movement. Exercise and training greatly affect hormones and encourage the breakdown of fat tissue. Intense training increases human growth hormone, which helps with muscle growth and recovery as well as tissue repair in our body. It also increases testosterone, which helps us to burn fat and build muscle tone. Shorter, intense exercise (under 45 minutes) will have this effect and indicates a good workout. If the intense exercise is too long in duration, it can have a negative effect with too much cortisol (stress hormone) being released. You can feel drained of energy after over...

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Why Be Concerned With Hormones?

balance hormones gain muscle Hormonal Imbalance in Men hormones lose weight men’s health testosterone unbalanced hormones

Our hormones are at the core of our health. If working properly we feel good, we’re energetic, confident, driven and strong. Our body is efficient at burning fat and building muscle. If our hormones are out of balance we don’t feel good, we might be tired, anxious, depressed, moody, unmotivated and overweight. Hormones are a key to great health! Hormones are chemicals that flow through the bloodstream and signal cells or tissues into action. They direct how our organs work and they control our metabolism. Each hormone targets specific parts of the body for specific purposes. The endocrine system is...

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