Blog — chronic inflammation

Tired Of Always Feeling Tired? Beat Fatigue and Increase Your Energy!

balance hormones chronic inflammation chronic stress cortisol energy fatigue Hormonal Imbalance in Men hormones improve sleep inflammation insulin low energy

Many men experience low energy and fatigue on a regular and consistent basis. There could be several reasons for this, so it's always a good idea to visit your doctor to rule out any underlying health issues.  Your hormones help to determine your energy storage and expenditure. Without having balanced and thriving hormones, you will likely experience low energy and fatigue. Your hormones and your nervous system work together to monitor and adjust the physiological activities of your body. Hormones such as insulin, leptin and even testosterone are critical in how your body stores and uses energy. Tips for balancing your hormones...

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Digestion and Hormones

balance hormones chronic inflammation energy fatigue glucagon gut health hormones inflammation insulin leptin lose weight low energy melatonin mental health men’s health unbalanced hormones

Proper digestion is important so that we extract the nutrients from our food. Poor digestion is a main cause of unbalanced hormones. When we eat, a lot of hormones are activated. We need to slow down and chew our food to a paste to allow our digestive system to work well. It is important to space our meals out so our digestive system isn’t working overtime, and it gets a chance to rest. It helps to fast for at least 12 hours at night between your last meal of one day, and your first meal of the next.  Going on an...

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5 Ways Chronic Inflammation Affects Your Body

balance hormones chronic inflammation fatigue Hormonal Imbalance in Men inflammation low energy men’s health

Inflammation is swelling and is a protective immune response to physical or chemical injury. It helps us when we get hurt or are infected by bacteria or a virus. It should go away as our injury or sickness is healed. Inflammation can become chronic from poor health or disease, or from bad lifestyle habits such as poor diet, lack of quality sleep, lack of exercise or from chronic stress. Here are 5 ways it affects our body: 1. Chronic inflammation is a main cause of hormonal imbalances. It can cause chronically high cortisol levels and other undesirable hormonal responses. High cortisol =...

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