Blog — hormones

Insulin: For Stable Energy

balance hormones energy fatigue glucagon hormones insulin low energy men’s health unbalanced hormones

  Insulin is critical in how the body uses and stores energy. It is produced in the pancreas along with glucagon and these two hormones regulate blood sugar. It helps drive the glucose into our liver, muscles and fat cells. Some of this glucose is used for immediate energy needs and some is stored in the liver for future needs. Insulin is released when we eat and there is a rise in blood sugar (glucose). Glucagon helps us access stored fuel several hours after a meal so our blood sugar doesn’t drop and cause us to get tired. This process...

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Testosterone: The Key To Your Mojo

balance hormones cortisol energy fatigue gain muscle hormones lose weight men’s health sex drive testosterone

  Testosterone - this is where most men tend to focus. Testosterone is linked to masculinity. It allows us to build muscle and shed fat. It powers our sex drive. It helps push us to succeed. When testosterone levels are at a healthy level we feel strong, motivated and confident. Low testosterone has become a common problem with men. Fatigue, loss of muscle mass, fat gain, low energy, low libido, erectile dysfunction and higher risk of disease are all linked to low testosterone. These symptoms can also be a result of estrogen levels being too high. Estrogen is commonly called...

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5 Ways To Attack Chronic Stress

chronic stress cortisol hormones irritability mental health men’s health unbalanced hormones

Our bodies were built to handle short term stress. Chronic stress is when our body is in a continuous state of stress and our stress hormones are kept elevated. This can lead to physical, mental and emotional health issues, inflammation, unbalanced hormones, sleep problems, disease, excess body fat, moodiness, irritability, depression and low testosterone. There are countless negative effects caused by chronic stress, so it's crucial to address this problem and to achieve a more balanced life to support improved health. Pay attention to what triggers your stress. Your work? Toxic relationships? The news? Lack of money? When you identify the sources of...

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Break Through the Weight Loss Plateau

balance hormones gut health Hormonal Imbalance in Men hormones insulin leptin lose weight men’s health type 2 diabetes unbalanced hormones

It is quite common for people on a weight loss program to lose weight at the start of their program, then have their weight loss come screeching to a halt. This is where they plateau, which is a very frustrating and discouraging place for people to be. Eating less calories, exercising more, nothing seems to help. Why does this happen? The answer is hormones. Obesity is a dysfunction in hormones. Your hormones orchestrate functions in your body. They can make you a fat storing machine or a fat burning machine, a tired, unmotivated person or an energetic, driven person. A...

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4 Reasons Your Testosterone is Low

balance hormones cortisol energy fatigue gain muscle Hormonal Imbalance in Men hormones men’s health testosterone unbalanced hormones

Testosterone is linked to masculinity. It allows us to build muscle and shed fat. It powers our sex drive. It helps push us to succeed. When testosterone levels are at a healthy level we feel strong, motivated and confident. Low testosterone has become a common problem with men. Fatigue, loss of muscle mass, fat gain, low energy, low libido, erectile dysfunction and higher risk of disease are all linked to low testosterone. Our hormones don't just work independently, they are dependent on each other to support our overall health and wellbeing. Our habits and lifestyle affect our testosterone and other hormone...

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